Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mindless Post
Mindless talk...
Utter Nonsense....
What am i doing here...
I am lost...
I have lost to myself...........
I even seem at a loss for words...
Its as though it does not matter ..
every day comes every day goes and so did a year.
Its amazing so much happened all over last month and yet i dont react...its as though i have lost it the ability to feel for myself.I who could cry so easily once dont react now to some greatest revelations i hear.
Yeah true whoever the person who said it

" any idiot can face a crisis .It is day to day life that wears you out".

This whole everyday home office merry go round that has restarted after a really whirlwind vacation makes me feel so utterly hopeless.Then again my life lives murphys laws at its extremes.Its not if anything can go wrong it my case its "if anything can go wrong everything will".So here i am stuck at home with mom away and our maid resigningfrom her duties just a day before mom left leaving me high and dry and irritated.And then the gas stove has gone bad leaving us both sisters fighting over the one singleburner.Jeez this is sick writing i know...but it'll be funny hopefull when all this gets over as of now its sick.Then you reach office late to sarcastic good mornings and grumbling people about how some ppl come at 10 at leave at 6.huh "who asked you not to....who asked you to sacrifice your time for the greater common good and then looking at the peanuts handed over in your appraisal mutter at every other person." i think.anyway my policy at my office is strictly on one line"Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them" i go on laughing along......not that i am a way too wise by their some who memorize all commands and some who spend hours working on data that in the end is always manipulated..and some really brilliant and admirable ....its just that i am wiser about people......about never gets any better...just worse....well hope not.So thats it.... hope it is that'll carry you through anyday...“umeed par hi duniya kayam hai“...meri ummeed ..well thats the problem...i ve lost hope or dont beleive anything i hope for is gonna work out...what to hope also i forgot...what do i do to get rid of this hopeless feeling mind quizzes on tickle....Ive lost it literally.Im in a bad no not bad actually listless mood .....very cynical .... yeah that sums up this most terrible post.I complain of having no time and write up such nonsense....Whats up with me...nothing ....New year .
Hope its happier for everyone else at least.


Keeth said...

opho...cheer up some tips for you in my blog which I had posted just today and was just browsing thru yours...might sound derogatory but surely not intentional...

yamini N said...

huh thats the problem with msn and such i said its "day to day life that wears you out" not any crisis.No offence browse post whatever....yeah i'll cheer up sure.

Keeth said...

ooo... you awake at this time in India... dint expect a reply so fast...