Saw poem in IKWP's comment and as I've always said when I read or hear anygood stuff in any native language even the best of English words seem not expressive enough.
Sometime last fornight was sorting my stuff and while I've written a lot about my English books from school I never wrote much on my HIndi stuff which was as fascinating .In fact I found reciting them immense fun.May be I should write about those memories since life right now is way too dull and listless.
So here's one such which when I read I could not stop laughing in memories and when I took it to my sister she said you read stuff so much passionately and funnily then that if we had the same books and syllabus did not change I'd have passed without studying.
We both agreed that this deserved to become a poster for motivation in my ofice cubicle.

The english translation of this is
Those who build the bridges
will definitely be left behind
The armies will cross over
Ravan would be killed
Ram would be victorious
Those who were thearchitects/builders,
would be in history
known as monkeys.
The poems in that little thin book still fascinate mesometimes making me believe in goodness sometime making me even more sarcastic.(My favorite Surdas poem I've made heartless fun of it in my mind by now - will post on it later)
My notes in that book are even funnier. I cant belive my Hindi Maa'm quite a old lady dictated them so beautifully.
shringar ka arth hai premi premika ka pyaarshringaar do prakaar ke hothe haisanyog shringaar - jab ve saath hothe hai, viyog shringaar - jab ve door hothe hai
Ah those stupid daysWhere to find such IX th Std kids now.shringaar tho bas bindi hai I guess.
And then I found a ad and a song which I loved those days.It used to come before World This Week . The Monte Carlo one.
Hmm seems too plain now ,but it has nostalgiawhich nothing now can ever have.
In fact I looked up all my favorite ads from DoorDarshan those days on You tube.The Cadbury's one's for me are tooo good and oh so many more.I've become terribly old.You know it when you douse yourself with so much nostalgia.