"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players" was famously said by Shakespeare .
A set of events triggered thoughts of a related but different perspective. I only know the basics of chess but the game itself is oldest for a reason and why it correlates to many things in world.
So just jotting the thoughts as a memory .
All the worlds people are just pieces of the chessboard wherein almost 99% of the people are just pawns almost all times but we all think otherwise 99% of the time .
Everyone at some some point esp when one is a kid thinks they are the kings for whom everyone else on the board can be sacrificed.
Then in youth one gets to a point of thinking they are powerful like the minister/queen and can do much and the rules do not really apply much to them and most pieces are secondary to them except just one king.
Slowly it dawns - we just have some degree of freedom by fortune which we can move forward like a horse or a elephant but that too for some cause/king,
and then almost always comes a point of misfortune when you realize you are just a pawn always meant to be sacrificed and it really is someone else's game .