It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! as Nietzsche said this blog i guess
Monday, December 26, 2005
Time the ultimate thief...what it steals it is powerless to give back.
Time none ever mastered it.
Time that brings in happiness beyond expectations.
Time that brings in grief unparalleledTime which flew by before we could live it all.
Time which came by with wonderous gifts just when you though all was lost.
Time which leaves cherished reflectionsTime which scars the best of people in some way.
Time the ocean whose waves brought inthis special treasured gem of friendship into the shores of life.
Here 's hoping it'll stand the test of Time.
Cheers always
P.S:The most difficult if not impossible thing for time to steal are memories.Say what:)
I know he does not check out this blog though he 's the only soul who knows about it(not that i mind ...most of what i write here i anyway talk or bore him with it all the time).
Wrote these lines for him with his gift .Just thought of keeping a copy of it on my blog.Hope you are always happy dear wherever you travel with time.No gift i could find can express my happpiness at having a friend like you.
This week i literally lived that quote"Parents give you life, but friends walk you through it".
They sure do .
Sunday, December 11, 2005
I love quite many things in life but most of them i cannot cater to as much as i want.Books are the only passion i indulge in .It is kind of my habit to relate to books.Sometimes i read even with my eyes not up to it after the terrible kind of work i haveof staring at the computer screen for hours with lenses.But they are my only escape from this world where i somehow find myself a misfit.I am not brilliant ....but the problem is i am not a fool either.Its hard being neither here nor there.
The past week has been like a harrowing time.Now that you are acheiving senoirity at job by being nearly a year old you are dumped with hopeless useless responsibilities of historical data collection.Then there huge work assigned involving staring for hours at excel data comparisons ...i'm in a mess of a job and have no way out damn it.Ive seen others do it so i feel almost as though im no good but somehow i see no sense in slogging it that way.I appreciate them but man i'm just not upto it.So i feel like some hopeless fool at times in front of people who spend so much time and effort into becoming those brilliants..spending late nights and weekends at office and working out that stuff.
My amanger simply has one line you cant say i dont have time you have to make time.helllll i'm no good i dont want to.I always remember telling my sister long back if school and all was not so targeted at jobs and so id have loved to just study literature.
I wish i was a fool a real one life would have been easier ....why did i have to be above average but not brilliant.My eyes these days feel so tired .yet on a weekend i go ahead and read a book and finish it in one shot.Why simple i just want to take my mind off this depressing place ive got into and hard to get out.I and my friend recently were deleting our IM archives and could only laugh.everyday two times at least we message each other on resigning asap.This place is so depressing just have no one you feel like looking at...looking forward to(i cant beleive people call up on leave days looking forward to client responses....god thats what im such a failure.I just cant get enthusisatic when someone feeds you that line ....... its our company.its our project and so so.I see through this crap too much for my own good).They say its like a family in our company.yeah thats why its so damn boring.
Anyway met a dear friend and borrowed 'Five point someone' and finished it.Good read.All i could think of is how much i hated my Engineering college as much.It was not great like IIT but neverthless it is quite something but i did not like it.We did not see through stuff then and exams semesters assignments and travel to the end of town and all took away the best years of life and gave back nothing.
On the contrary i remember my previous bpo job with a top org with so much affection.yeah it was not a great job.....(my manager was no manager forget being a bad manager ) some even sneer at such jobs but the time i had there, the friends i made there were the best times after school which was of course the best.
Some friends make up for so much of the deficiencies of this world really.
A hopeless winter with no flowers with memories of last years loveliest garden ,spare time and now all these deadlines schedules...workplace politics..assesing oneself its not some great time im having.
Books change my mood like nothing else and so i read them with fluttering eyes sometimes.As if all this is not crazy enough i message my friend the book has been read at night 1 am and post all this on my blog.I just might get a week off year end and thats the silver lining of this year end.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I behave sometimes so stupidly that i realise again and again that the core person never changes.
I always was a person who had a temper but people in general never attributed it to me since childhood as i had excellent control over it.But as i grew up controlling myself pretty well by the time i really needed it in this world i have used it all up.My previous job in the service sector took such a toll on my patience .
One year of a service sector job trying to be nice to some hopeless people and i lost it completely.I could be more irate than any irate customer.The good thing was it was always the work side never with my friends or such.
Later i shifted to a normal engineering job and again i am a rather calm pleasant person unless someone really gets to me.but i really have lost it how to control . there are rare moments and days i really cant put it right ...its like if i feel helpless i express it out clearly and only on the person who caused it.
I dont mind if i lose or win ...a good nights sleep cures me of so much but anything or anyone that makes me feel helpless something like which i really cannot do much about i get so worked up and react.
I hate the feeling of helplessness.Some therapies do work.Once when mom was not at home and getting up at 6 and other disturbances made me feel just like that i threw a nice coffee mug straight intothe sink and as it broke into pieces i guess it made me feel calm if not better.I could sulk a lil bit about the mug and forget it but i hate feeling rather be sad i realised.
There was a meeting and someone had a doubt on something assigned to me to handle for the whole team.Now immediately my manager points a hand to me ask her?
I was simply told i would be handling this activity for the team...but no one clarifies the standards for it or whats right or wrong as they themselves are clueless.whatever is assumed is trashed in the next meeting.i really reacted this day finally like this----
"look here if i am not told what is correct do not expect me to tell someone else to do it this way.a week later you will change the do not expect me to explain the opposite again to the team.first i want to get myclarifications only then i will clarify anyone's issues."
This seems quite a reasonable explanation but the over emotional and ' im fed up kind of way' i said it in the team meeting i really wondered if i can handle myself really as n If i move up in the corporate team mates were like cool it cool it.....and i took so much time to calm down the way id become emotionally so charged up about me being made a scapegoat in this useless business.
The funny part is i used to think i was could so well control my emotions.Till end of my college days people refused to beleive i could shout....(the aunty in my hostel said if you wanna hear her real voice come along when sachin's hitting those 4's and 6's.)...........well i was such a soft spoken people really have to quiten me in this sh--sh--hush offices of these days .
I certainly am in no mood for a corporate weekend party...
i just want to get a 12 hour sleep but my little angelic teammates used their emotional blackmail well on me "next year tum kahan ...hum kahan" and
im like ok ok ok.
So goodbye to my sunday sleep.they find it so bad that my excuse is sleep.Sleep is so underrated....i feel bad....more on that some other time.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Well after 3 months of non stop work if you want a week a whole 5 days off it is met with a formal letter.
Please apply in the following format...blah blah.
yeah we all know the format....but what got to me what the damn line.
Reason for leave:(Please be specific)....
why must i be specific...what the heck do they have to do with what i do on my leave.
Its a leave i have not a favor.The sad part in my oraganisation is they neither encash leaves nor carry forward which will at least make some people happy if not me.
But they are sanctioned on a need basis ...pray what is the need.
So you have to fall sick or have an accident basically to get a leave and they talk about positivity.
Kindly provide your landline if roaming not available on mobile ....good god i never knew normal employees could be this important. No investigating agencies keep tabs like this.
yeah we treat all our employees like family....hmm good just as parents keep tab so do we..good idea i guess.
For a project which gets work on a continual basis from a US client when will there be no emergency never ...
So i guess i never get even half my leaves. Now i regret not acting really sick and taking 1 day here 1 day there leave.So whole day i am trying to cook up a reason.... a specific reason which can make me eligible whoa....
I stay at no excuse for meeting up family...the advantage for hostelites.
Rest....what rest last 3 months we never asked you to work a single weekend what mercy really.and anyway that excuse means you be called up anytime.
So what do i do i feel irritated to get into such murky stuff. I certainly decide enough is enough now is the time to start hunting again ...its a tedious process for someone like me but then i work to lead a better life.May be the next company too
will turn out the same but then "umeed pe duniya tiki hai"
What i don’t understand is why do companies actually the managers try to get into and hold sway over the employees personal life.
I was remembering an interaction with my previous manager. He really was hopeless unlike the current who is confused and harassed soul.There we had double pay for overtime so am extra day meant less work more money.Still i never opted.
He said see u will get this many bucks... and all i asked was fine but when am i gonna get time to spend them?
He had that blank irritated face and said.. wellll hmmmm ah...." when you take leave".
I could only laugh.
But then it was different...that was a job not a part of career so i really put my foot down...and also being a established org they had a better HR policy which i could use to point out stuff.
Here in this organization they are planning and replanning HR policy but moot point is....... we consider all employees family.ahem
whoever said it said it right.
“You slog eight hours so that you can slog fifteen hours in future”.
This whole issue i believe stems from the fact that indians like to say work hard..which in itself is it proves you need to work hard to get simple work done .
Also work hard also translates to work long hours ........ at least act that stuff out.
One of my colleague also was frustrated saying well i cant leave at 11 in night so i try to finish work fast and leave but my manager points out at how hard the guys work who
come in at 9 have breakfast till T.T till at the workstation till 12...have lunch ...have a smoke..have a tea...have a T.T and finally work really hard till 1 or 2 in the night.The moot point is they are available round the clock for the boss....which is what is appreciable esp now that we have become servants of the great US consumer/client.
The common joke among guys in our team is this....
One guy says ....”damn i am sick of this work”..all others tease
“hey chap you are not can work a lil late”.
The culture of an organisation is definitely spoiled by these hostelites who have no other stuff to go to so they simply love to be where you have internet, AC and food and timepass company.
What else as if all this is not enough i got myself into more trouble by opting for a training against the wishes of my manager .So now i am holed up in that damn cubicle 8 to 8 and there is ever unpleasant look on my managers face.Its a training useless for the project is the reason given ..... and that makes me break my silence and a smooth relationship.I say it with a smile.....“i am not gonna be here for ever”.everyone gets their pound of flesh i guess and so its scheduled early morning nemesis is getting up early but i drag myself right on time...and there is a look on the face..."normal days 9.30 is too early and now u come right at 8. ok "
God i dont know what to think of myself..there are some friends who do have to stay back till late night 11 or 1 and so should i say i am cribbing for all wrong reasons...I have no qualms i am lazy actually thats why i do things fast so i can relax also unlike others who are so eager and ambitious i simply take no extra responsibilty or initiative as my manager keeps hinting perenially......I simply dont understand why people slog to get more money and position and what are they gonnna do with it anyway if they don’t have time.
Thats why my blog line was/is always
“what is life if full of care
No time to stand and stare”.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Fate : theres ever an argument about it.Some beleive in it some dont.
Some say the destiny is in our hands some say nothing is in our hands.
I once explained my view this way to my friend.
Life is like an algorithm already written by God and thats fate but where you end up in that depends on you ashe has inserted so many decision points in it.Thus you have choices in life but not infinite.In the algorithm for you he has written 'result 1' if you say yes and 'result 2' if you say no but whatever you do you cannot get 'result 3' as its not a option for you.
ha ha i sometimes pity my friends esp those who are subjected to such but then again they are a privileged few.With most of them i just chatter on.No discussions.
Anyway why i remembered this conversation was that last night i came to know something and could only wonder about fate.She's a good friend and she got the job in software finally with a great pay and i am extremely happyfor her because i rememeber the days we struggled together.Life somehow was cruel in similar ways to us.
So why did i bring fate in ........ well she got into the company i quit a year ago....mine was not a s/w job as they were then not into it.So i asked myself am i feeling green about i have many faults but envy is not one cause i couldnt care less about what others have ...its always what i want that i am concerned.
So why was i a bit upset at heart.....i asked myself .....ok the pay issue........50% may be because i am upset on that.....the other 50% is because of the way fate plays games......i somehow have no affection for my current job......forget motivation ....job satisfaction and all that.But then after a lot of thought i reminded myself it was just a knee jerk reaction.....after all what i loved there were my friends ....people with whom i had shared good bad and terrible times unlike here where if there is nothing terrible there isnt much good too.
yeah the compensation stuff hurts but its always secondary if i like everything else though i never admit it.i just add it to the crib list when all else sucks.
Then i asked myself what is it or rather who do i envy and i could come up with only 1 person.
Deepti bhatnagar.......damn lucky is she not?
Early morning she goes around loveliest and serene temples in lovely chiffons and kanjeevarams and at noon she's all over europe and other continents looking fabulous in the choicest dresses.
How much fun travel is...esp if thats a job.................... ah i really envy her.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Why do people behave cruelly sometimes.......Why does a friend who has been on leave watch cricket and describe it while you are slogging it away....and why most of all my mom who has no sentimental value of anykind for things break my heart going on and on describing what she knows would invariably hurt me.She went to visit our old house....and she tells me tales even though i scream at her to stop."The roses you remember planted has grown so big...such big flowers all them six colors....even our old servant was saying ...when you people were there there were not as many now so many.The yellow hibiscus flowers you know they use to drop away the lady in the house say they bloom perfectly so well now."If someone's into too much philosophy they'l say this is the way of the world"Some one plants the mangoes some one eats".No wonder i hate so many ways of the world.All this happens while we stay with four flower pots where now that the rains are over hardly one blooms a month.I have a stupid and nostalgic streak but i really get upset about the fact that we moved from that house because of my moms wishes for varied and some unexplainable reasons .It was a beautiful garden i had grown there in the little space we had and esp last november december i had in just a spaceof 9ft x 1 ft grown so many varieties of flowers ....such lovely white daisises, dahlias...phlox..roses of course ....oh god.Then she rubs salt in my wounds by her happy descriptions.Now its like i hate it here and my next garden is years further what with us opting for an apartment.As if all this is not enough she brought two large momentos of roses and put them on display in the living room.Just how cruel can one get.My professional scenario is giving a hellishly irritating feeling.Came across this punchline...suited me just fine i thought
"I lied to them to get the job.They lied to me about the job.We are even."
then i realised .... i need to edit it
"I finally was honest about myself.They are still lying........"
That proves how things are at my job.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
It seems so long since i wrote any stuff on this blog and so many things just rolled on.Work in itself is tiring enough(oh just started browsing today and one link led to another and i found on a blog containing exactly what ran through my head when i saw the Tata Dicor ad ."I always wanted to quit on Monday morning"Absolutely loved the ad so much that while leaving on Friday evening while chatting with my manager i just say did you see that ad for Dicor....loved it.I really can be cruel.)
The whole of last month has been a lesson for me in bureaucracy.3 months after cancelling my previous postpaid they say it never was cancelled and the network is following me unwantedly everywhere.Then there's my current postpaid issues.But the best part was when i called up their cust careboth had a common service level.
One says our backend is down...
other says our servers are not up.WoW.
Then there's my issue with a bank who has discovered advertising suddenly and is going gung ho that it has themaximum ATM's in India.Well i never expected much but to discover that forget ATM's one branch manager could not discover phone number of the main branch in a different city in one whole month was news.After one month of strutting to the bank patiently requesting my manager for a few hrs leave the day i lost patience and expressed my displeasure im clearly told my place.
It is your mistake maam to lose the draft .........not wait till we find out if it can be cancelled......hmmm.......true...very true.Actually very true....i should never have bothered...went to the my only near to reliable source GOOGLE and in 20 minutes flat found the phone number and i can now continue my ordeal once weekend is over.
As if all these thing dont make you feel dead hopeless in life my mom coaxes me into taking a loan and now i have to discover all the stuff about form16's and floating and fixed.
Then i got a refresher course of my organisational political set up at office.More on that in later posts.Damn life i feel but then i had my silver linings.
There was such wonderful cricket and then i met up a few friends some very dear ones after it never seemed to happen and felt quite happy about it.Thats why i love so many festivals...birthdays...newyears..Perfect excuses to call or chat up friends as in general you feel sometimes so strange with no words to say as much as you want to say stuff.I bought a few more of those stones that are a girls best friend no matter what.They sure brought some sunshine in this extended rainy season.
Yeah i beleive in retail therapy now after all these years of resisting my sister trying toconvince me of it.I observed and discussed its wonderful effects on myself and in friends lives.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ah conspiracies amazing they are.....they simply show you how varied people are really.Why did i get into this...hmmm i ve always been fascinated by themwhy because i grew up on a famous conspiracy.Being a ICSE Student(now anyone from others like CBSE/STATE Syllabus must forgive me coz im i feel its the curriculum thats pretty varied....cbse is quite balanced i guess but well forget it..the state syllabus in southis a preparation for future engineers with their advanced rigor in mathematics.ICSE in fact had one book of lovely poetry ,one play Julius caesar , one novel which is a sweet one village by the sea by anita desai and one book of short stories called the' treasury of short stories' which is a real treasure i still treasure.No wonder ive turned out a literary engineer.the geography we had was so vast i knew australian cities as well as indian also helped by the fact that there was a world cup there then.)
when in school we had Julius Ceaser which we studied for 2 yrs so i remember it (esp antony's speech)still though i do not instantly remember my office phone no or my last completed work at office.What is more memorable is the way we were encouraged to criticize and view it from different angles the whole of the play.the words that i love or think today are a byproduct of those days.the variety of people ...Cynical cinna...anthony the master orator.....cassius the lean mean hungry look guysoothsayers.oh i guess i was lucky we happened to have such a complex play instead of some frivolous comedies which though enjoyable would not have lent much to classroom analysis.One of first ways to recognize hypocrisy was shown by my english teacher when he pointed outwhile brutus the honorable fellow would not take money like bribes he asks money from cassius who surely gets them by bribes.Flattery and flatterers i discovered it can see the power of oratory skill how a mob who has no identity they are swayed from extreme support of brutus to antony(reminds you of the importance of oratory skill so precious for politicians to sway the fools who form masses and mobs with no individual thoughts.)it seems so funny when u remember the way the guys reacted to the only line in the whole playthey could giggle at ..."Portia is brutus' wife not his harlot".there is so much drama and mental conflict in the whole play its lovely.the first of a whole collection of quotes from the play so fond that for all my dear friends autograph books i signed the same
"Forever, and forever, farewell,
If we do meet again, why, we will smile;
If not, it's true that this parting was well made."
but why i got into this.on a sunday evening when u are fed up and tired to even browse and TV is troubling you and suddenly you get on discovery and watch the last 20 mins of 'who killed julius ceaser'.It brings out a fascinating discovery to a conspiracy that we wringed out in class for two years.Could caesar have engineeredhis assasination to make himself immortal and establish the Roman empire.quite enjoyed it and relived an era of life in a few hours.
Saturday, October 01, 2005

Family how rooted it is especially in the Indian context and yet there are so many wheels within wheels as they say.This is about 'Roots and Shadows' another of those excellent books by Shashi deshpande.The novel starts off with Indu coming back to her ancestral home and family after years and suddenly realising that she by a cunning stroke has been holding the strings to the future of all the entities in the family.The novel really exploits the view of all people within the so called family having deviant interests each may be valid from within their view.It shows the cunningness of the weak, how money is such a bonding factor.
It also brings out how women whatever they acheive but within the familial set up are cut out.
'you are too clever for me' the final rejoinder.It had always been thrown at me like accusation.'for a woman intelligence is always a burden Indu.We like our women not to think.''its always going to happen to you Indu.People are resentful of brains.Take it in your stride...pity them'.
One scene that really is so true to life may be because its the background story of every familyno wonder ekta kapoor exploits it so much was this when Indu the modern girl who does not wear much jewelry goes to open the ancestral safe to which she has the keys now.
" Mini sitting next to me....look Indu arent these pearls lovely!lets see how they look on you.You never wear anything'and she clasped them as i sat still letting her do it.'
Yes Indu never wears anything' Sunanda atya said with a smile for me.As if we were allies' what does she need such things for? her education is her real jewelry.Its only poor fools like us who need all that'.'
Fools!' Kaki's voice was loaded with sarcasm.
Icould no longer be silent.'I never had any jewelry May be thats why i never wore it.Now that i have such a lot of it ,perhaps i'll start wearing it'
There was shocked silence.In the dim light it was difficult to make out the faces but the air in the room was charged with consternation.Was i serious?Does she mean it? then what about my Mini, my Lata, my Geeta, my Shobha.Its not fair.Its not fair.
The book also goes into such diverse topics all from the same story that its amazing.
The whole world is made of interdependent parts so why not you?
Meera ...if there had been pschoanalysis then, wouldn't they have pschoanalysed her, cut out her obsession, rooted it out of her ? was for the dead not the living.
Its amazing that a writer who writes with so much understanding and pathos about the general India, not the very poor or the filthy rich is not as well known but others who spin magical talesare much well known in indian writing in english.Its unfair ..... but whats great is she been at it for more than 2 decades.I do have to read her newer books these are actually her older books ive read and written in my previous posts.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
In this varied world of people esp in this country with its wide range you surely see all kinds of people but still when you see some one who lives it real time in a different world it kind of gets funny.
Well as is the fashion or in reality a client necessity lot of our brilliant s/w engineers need language and etiquette and other soft skills training.The usefulness of such trainings is very debatable.Personally i found them useless when they tried such stuff on me but then i am a strange conoction by god and a english medium average techie.It does work out good for quite some of our non english brilliant people...may be .lets leave it and get to the joke.
this is a second hand account as i refuse to be present first hand to receive such enlightening on attitude.but i just imagine it when a friend told me and laughed and laughed.well the lady who handles this section is the same youll see in any organizationbrilliantly turned out and with a voice stressing just the right syllables and this was the question put
tell me one thing about yourself which you are proud of?
some people made the right spoke about being proud that he was an indian and he got lectured about how politics must not be associated with self.but the answer which made me laugh laugh and laugh was this.
"but mam one must not be proud of oneself " is what was answered in such an innocent tone.poor lady all her preparation of the speech would have gone waste.
i really could not beleive such people still exist.the guy is one of those people from the far east actually and is always concerned about how much money we here in city waste which can take care of one family he says.i am not really very much into charity my views on that later some time but this line i was simply sitting in a boring meeting and amusing myself that still someone beleives that in a world where blowing ur drum is the norm and some self help books i browsed and found hopeless occasionally talked how if u dont blow ur horn others will use it as spitoon and what not.. and some more nonsense.but as much as i found it funny it felt nice people still retain such innocence.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
I bought the book "THE COLLECTED POEMS" about five years back when i was actually broke i mean almost three years of no employment and depression and how do you spend the five hundred bucks you are given on your birthday by Dad .... walk into a book store and you spot the lovely covered book by one of your fav author hold it and then
It was almost as though the book wanted to be taken and it seemed in my upset mood nothing would cure me.(I take that quote pretty seriously at heart it'd seem "If thou has a loaf of bread, sell half and buy a hyacinth to feed thy soul") well i took it and the most agonising part is i have no decent book shelf so i cover it neatly which i hate because it hides the cover i like but to take care of it i need to cover it.ah ....what complexities life has.
To think if my mom knew i spent that much on a book esp in those days she'd have finished me by now by giving the foremost reasons for my messed up life as ever i.e. stubborness, love of books,cricket and lazy long hours of sleep.
Neverthless i love them all and i love my books .About the author I enjoy his novels they are good..will write about them when i have more timebut its not his stories its the feel which he puts into words almost poetic and musical.For example his novel THE EQUAL MUSIC is so depressing in a way and you dont even like the characters sometimes but you love the book there's a lyrical feel woven into it.Thats why i love his poetry more esp the ones in "ALL YOU WHO SLEEP TONIGHT". Today was browsing through it again and thought of posting this
Sit, drink your coffee here;
your work can wait awhile.
You're twenty-six, and still have some life ahead.
No need for wit; just talk vacuities, and I'll
Reciprocate in kind, or laugh at you instead.
The world is too opaque, distressing and profound.
This twenty minutes' rendezvous will make my day:
To sit here in the sun, with grackles all around,
Staring with beady eyes, and you two feet away.
by Vikram Seth
Friday, September 16, 2005
Last weekend i was bored of browsing esp had a gnawing feeling that i'll be the victim of a carpal tunnel.So i flipped through channels and all i foundinteresting was was the ashes final test.I was watching it alone at home and it brought back memories when watching cricket had rated very up there in life.Books , Music ,Flowers ,Cricket that was what life was about.I am not very very comfortable being known as an avid cricket watcher in my current circle unlike then simply because everyone acts one esp its become to be thought of as a fad as if women have started watching cricket only after Mandira discovered it.
I loved to watch it with my Dad since i was a kid and was crazy about it though never played itmuch being an indoor kid.even now when he calls if there is a match on and he's travelling he always calls me to come to the phone to get the score.I very much enjoyed it and was fortunate enough to have a friendwho played at the state level.She kinda ensured that i knew what was inswing , outswing , flipper etc were.What fun we had during the 1996 world cup...some of the best times of my life.
Those days news always was to be read from the last still is if i have time to go through the newspaper.In those days we had that enjoyable Indian express or Statesman and enjoyed Pradeep Magazine and others columns.
Now to discuss cricket is like a show off and so i try to keep off it.Why even my mom hated it.She drove me many a time to tears by her obsessive hatred of what she thought was a terrible game enjoyed too much by people who wanted to do nothing .i.e my dad n me.Now my mom is cool about it as its socially trendy when i dont have the time to stay home and watch it.It feels cruel.
Well thats all past ...what got me into this flashback mode was this Ashes broadcast was it was on ESPN ..the commentators were simply talking about the game...none of the flashy nonsense you have to put up with(God i have to mute the TV while watching India playand to think there was a time i used to say quiet please let me enjoy the commentary too.)
Gilchrist was out just before lunch and so decently the relay ended saying " see you in 35 minutes after lunch" and that triggered off all my memories of how it used to be before Sidhu and co ganged up and we have beauties , contests and what not.In a way i guess it may be the way we indians are..our love for drama, melas and over the board gaiety.
We indians sure know how to make the world rock our way.Its like we tell the world sell what you want to us but package it the way we want.
MTV is now worse than Indian music channels in airing only hindi flopmovie full songs and trailers of hindi movies.In our college days you'd be lucky to catch a hindi song on it.Pizzas we made them stoop and bring variety to their bland fare.....forced them to invent tandoori/tikka and what not flavor.
There are numerous examples of organizations being forced to change their strategyto cater to us the land of maharajahs and what not where you have to go overboard for everything ...humor or sentiment.You just have to watch our advertising to know this best.
Subtle is not a word Indians like i guess sadly.
Thursday, September 15, 2005

Embers – as i read it
I know nothing about the author Sandor Marai -- this book is translated from german version which was translated from hungarian ....just a random pick which i keep doing . its actually a kind of monologue which occasionally is too much too long though it has other characters around they talk rarely and that too in oneliners.
Its a philosophical book in a way that the main speaker Henrik makes his final observations on life ,friendship and all the passions that govern it.The setting is the pre-world war era and the characters are 75 yr old and the last time they met was 41 yrs ago in presence of a woman who has since died. There is an air of emotional suspense running in the book but the end is may be the end may be you feel cheated if you like open and close stories.
But its the observations the book makes that make one feel being sympathized or understood. Some which all who observe and think of life at some point note and some which we never experience but wonder.
Some extracts which i found such, some echoing my thoughts and some making me ponder..............
" For this they had no need of a pact...the sort of portentous intensity invoke by people when for the first time they experience an unconscious need to remove another human being from the world body and soul and make him uniquely theirs. For that is the hidden force within both friendship and love .Their friendship was deep and wordless , as are all emotions that will last a lifetime and like all great emotions this one contained within itself ...a sense of guilt ,for no one may isolate one of his fellows from the rest of humanity with impunity"
"Nothing is so rare in the young as a disinterested bond that demands neither aid nor sacrifice................Everything life has to offer later, sentimental yearnings or raw desire, intense feelings and eventually the bonds of passion, will all be coarser, more barbaric."
"Memory has a wonderful way of separating the wheat from the chaff. There can be some great event and ten twenty years laters one realizes it had no affect whatsoever. And then one day ,one remembers a hunt or a passage in book" "Sometimes it seems to me that words that we utter, or stifle, or write that are the issue, if not the only issue."
"One rarely knows when an act or a word will trigger some final irreversible alteration in any relationship" "I am thinking that people find truth and collect experiences in vain, for they cannot change their fundamental nature.........the only can do is to take the given's of one's fundamental nature and tailor them to reality as cleverly and carefully as one can."
"The greatest secret and the greatest gift any of us can be offered is the chance for two similar people to meet. It happens so rarely--it must be because nature use all its force and cunning to prevent such harmony ,perhaps.....the renewal of life need the tension between two people of opposite temperaments who seek each other an alternating current....between positive and negative poles, think of all the despair and the blind hope that lie behind this duality."
"One can achieve everything in life, wrestle .....seize all for oneself, but one cannot change another’s tastes or inclinations...that essential otherness no matter how close or important the bond"
The greatest disappointment in the book was it has only one persons view-- The woman’s view of course is not even expected to be presented from the beginning but you expect the answers or the view of the man being questioned but it is here you are disheartened.Despite its long lines which sometimes get frustrating the observations are pretty haunting with respect to the situation. But then books and stories and words , they keep safe my heart and soul from this world. Just googled it up seems they are makin a movie on it with Wionna Ryder.hmmm
P.S: had published this earlier on Fragrantechoes my other blog but preferred it here
so moved it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Went househunting the weekend.tried to compromise by hopefully getting an apartment( though i Never am happy about apartments) but its not to be it seems.liked one a bit too much dont know why..rare for me to like one as much and convinced mum and all that this one'd be great.yeah id hoped id get my own room finally but it seems it was not to be.i was pretty upset .
Pr was very upset kind the whole week in fact our whole gang of 3 n me was kinda fed up.those 3 are like sick and tired of the job and wondering what next in life.they have a great future the kids really.....its just thebegining ...mine s a different story.then there was this whole appraisal business.the secrecy in which its done...did u get it no ....umm yeah process...suddenly people who never bother to speak trying to extract info.its kind of hard to hide it with one is happy abt kc i guess but the fact is the work sucks firstly and if only that habit of getting too personal is decreased its kind of good for everyone in the team but yeah all have their demons to fight and their ways.i write so much against kc's ways but i guess the fact is a guide is needed for kc to be better.. ...which is lacking and of course authority but the fact is my managers manager is a damned terrible complex story.
there is so much unease all around....people feeling the stuck up people already bored.Finally had my appr discussion at end and ..... all said and done i realised again where i lackonly one place .... confidence .Self confidence ive but the confidence of taking iniative is lacking and yeah the manager did make that clear but point given was fair i felt in a was made clear ... ur skills in process and mangement are highly appreciated so better build on that as you work.dont bother too much about technical(there are way too many for that) just get the basics fine.and some more was already late so cut short.
When i thought about it all i wondered
who was true in hmm yeah 75% but does kc think well really of me,or we are both trying to outdo diplomacy levels.I know i dislike things about kc and very vocal about them bet friends and the blog but what i like is one thing the ability to learn and listen ...only no good people to listen to are there.
aru was telling me she envies kc. i was ummmmmwhat is there to envy yeah a Sr manager at a young age than aru and me but look at life... no good.i probably dont dislike some people personally...just that in the work arena they simply are not fine.i was simply wondering .... me of all the work getting into marketing....not exactly but thats what im getting into indirectly.
Life always teaches me the same lesson.
Never say never...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Today was another of those all depressing days. Not that something terrible happened but just that that whatever happened normally made me put things in perspective and that is not very good for me at a point in life where nothings quite right.
In fact the whole thing was going on since the last month but it kind of culminated in my mind today.
Yeah its again my work..frankly what else does one have time for.I realised how ive harmed myself once again by being non competetive, unaggressive and for all i care attitude.Its the circumstances i can say but then why bother to make it seem like an excuse.I find it easy to put it onto myself sometimes.I am lazy ,i am not brave enough.Its like so much easy that way for me.
My manager and my relations seemed to have hit rock bottom before we reconciled ourselves to circumstances for the moment. But we have a review meeting today with the senior management and that kinda made me feel bad for almost everyone ,my manager ,i me myself them.its like such a mess .
Then i asked myself why just think do something and then i came back to the same old conclusion.
People who can do dont have the skills or the courage or the hard hearted focus needed to do it.People who have the skills or courage dont have the authority or the chance to do it.
My manager is a ambitious person who has good technical experience but no people understanding skills (all those self help books will not help if you do not get it that every person is different) ,had the good fortune of being at the right place at the right time and so is at a much elevated position than peers.Quite some people in our team including me are older because we did not make it in the days of the great s/w depression and also because we r weird n stupid somewhere i guess ...whatever.
The team goes on because of the sheer persistence of my manager but there is a severe lack of authority ,(which i believe is a must in a manager) and understanding that 20 people might be in a team but they are all amorphous entities and need to be handled differently.
But the tragedy is there’s no one to tell or help that person improve because the immediate sr manager is one hell of a sick person seriously demented in some way. I mean which PL will call their TL you stupid, idiot in front of a team. No wonder the TL never improves.
But where am i in all this to get upset.yeah i am .After the meeting i was somehow chatting up the TL ...and this is what it was..
Me: The stats are justified how can we expect the freshers to deliver for the client from day1.So obviously there will be some variance in effort calculations. After all they gave us the candidates just 4 days before the clients expected work start date. he asked to train them since a month.
TL: yeah but how to explain it to the senior management. this is the problem with managers.
the people below will not listen(may b me included), the people above will not listen.
I can’t run a military rule.
my_thoughts: well then what are managers....isnt it to act as an intermediatary between people up and people below.i know u cant run a military because authority is not ur cup of whatever is frowning and fretting which is ur strategy.
TL: see people want to leave because they have work, they want leaves, and then tell me after saying so many times how many come on time (a direct accusation to me who is almost a bit late always)
Me:i got the barb instantly .smiled and said yeah but then you see those who come on time don’t anyway get to leave on time and neither is their extra time appreciated in anyway except may be a thank you so they are not very encouraged.
my_thoughts: well you had it coming....but i felt bad the way this person was treated in there ... i mean why are people measured by statistics which everyone who ever made a presentation or report knows are manipulated and i who made it this time did not manipulate them well enough to present the rosy pic they like. I mean they want issues presented but nothing uncomfortable ...hmm then why ask for what you cant handle.
its good for them that i am not in a good enough position to question them coz for me its a change of field and i being quite a novice here cannot challenge them.
majboori hoti hai least i am ..coz im not at a point where i can take job risk.
my last rebellious experience at a previous job did bear fruit but it was too late and i gained nothing by it.
I myself am responsible for so much of this mess.Cant help it if i love to have a world beyond that job.
I mean after 10 hrs on job(11 is the max i stayed back any day...the thing is if there is equality and no team dependency i manage to do it much faster) and 3 hrs travel to and forth if i love to read , browse, listen to music and nap and of course blogs and not worry about the job ,the emails and the code and active participation to get noticed for promotion its all my fault.
Its a mess and then you come back home and find more of the personal mess. I think i am only at peace when im travelling to and forth between these messes i know the destination ,i can sit n wonder .
I read this as i post it its pathetic(i know a fornight from now i will find this post hilarious)...there was more nonsense but i m fed up so i guess but thats ok ...i m off to sleep.
There is nothing sleep does not cure me of at least partially.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Cribbing about all upsetting nonsense
It has been a very tiring week emotionally and physically what with so much work and weekend work.
Strange questions...strange doubts ...doubts about
this post might seem a bit disjointed but thats how things have been.
lets see this situation
u r pretty friendly with v.v is someone whos a rookie but a brilliant one and has good knowledge of the work we all are going to be doing.( two reasons she can afford to learn this are she stays at a hostel which is closer and also ppl living in hostel have no hurry to go home mostly unlike us who have to suffer long tiring travel.)
now since the area of work is not ur area of expertise we r very dependent on v but this does not mean the work alloted to v is decreased .so v has to handle her work plus help some of late into the end of day u are getting late and uve explained the issue and the rest can be taken care of in your absence so u think n wanna leave.this leaves v hurt and angry bcoz she has still so much work left while we r leaving .
but i at the end of this feel upset why i have to suffer such cranky stuff, im no good...... ......yeah if i d stayed late really late coz thats the only way and learned all id ve been spared a bit if not completely (bcoz in the end its all a process followed thats needed not some knowledge) .
I could not think ill of her coz she’s a gud helping friend ,if not close or dear one but i could not just take it any more.
Hugely upset by all this and then there was more.
few new ppl in the team and one’s been put beside me to be guys dont like to be guided much by women esp peers, do it this way or use this report or follow this step, they sure do not like it.
I myself am not the most fun person and i hate a lot of the work that we do.
its damn routine in fact so horribly repetitive at some point that u need the day off to get sanity.In such a situation in comes this new guy who is just a week old has not done much here and cribs on and on about --- this is too much nonsense--- what kinda work is this--(i really wanna scream at him 2 weeks u r this then what r we to do since 6 months....its ur fault if u had rose colored glasses on--- not mine but this is it and with time its only gonna get worse) but i try to be polite but i suspect with my transparent tone it sure shows how irritated i was.
my manager sure knows how to put it onto others damn.
but neverthless so its rumors flying i think that i am not being very helpful whatever i do.................yeah for all i know he’s being a bad influence for me.
ive been lucky in quite some ways that though i myself crib complain ive had some very enthusiastic,funloving and willing to do kinda colleagues in my past job who really tended to make me feel so better.i still pester some of em by calling em up n cribbing and they still suffer me.
this job too some of us hate the stuff we do but its a job and we do it trying to be positive but when some one adds to your frustration and esp as if he’s doing us a favor its like there is a chain reaction of negativity which does no one any good.
i sensed there was a lot of background story too on this coz they changed the guys place ..............but damn them im still responsible for this person who probably hoped working for this known company meant happily coming in signing and listening to music ,chatting,using some great s/w tools and a happy balance in the bank.
poor thing he doesnt know what he’s into any way.
there was so much other nonsense but fed up of typing i’m .
whole week was like an automated story.
get up-> go to office -.come sleep->get up->office..........
finally at the weekend i feel so better n thats me.
it rained superb ...... spoiling my plan to shop but neverthless liked it.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Across the spiked wall lay the world of wild freedom,
but beyond my reach was this heavenly garden
amidst the fragrant blossoms i wished a solitary abode
but brazen was i to beleive such life was to be mine
among the shattered reflections of broken glass
i discovered the need to be sublime
but brittle was my will
against life's daily mill
above the starlit sky i hoped to find the light
but below the dark earth claimed me with its might
across the horizons of despair i tread
beleiving i'll find hope but
beneath the gritty flesh
lies a soul weathered by life .
As i looked through my old stuff this weekend found
this poem i wrote sometime back and
i still could say the same.
Life goes on by sheer grit but its the
soul that suffers the grinding mill of life.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
I don't read non fiction esp the self help and motivational books at least do not go specifically looking for it because i have a tendency ,a really bad and negative one some would say-- to argue it out in the mind with the author and trash all the perfect solutionsdescribed.
yeah im a cynic to the core and so i tend to argue it out and as is quoted
"It's hard to argue against cynics - they always sound smarter than optimists because they have so much evidence on their side"
but i always feel but im not a pessimist really(not at heart may be my mind has leaning towards pessimism) but as another quote says
"cynics are well informed optimists".
It is hard for me to just get inspired by all the stuff in those self help books but i dont think bad of themnot these days at least because i have seen at first hand people being affected for the good by some of them.They simply dont suit me because i see things as they are ....sadly the darker side.
I did read a few(i can count them on one hand) and my reactions to them i'll post later .let me first start off with the inspiration for this post.this relates to my first post on my blogit was something against the buzzword called team work (it can be read HERE ).So today trying to get my latest dose of fiction as i scanned through the library i found something echoing my thought a book titled Why Teams Don't Work by Harvey Robbins and Michael Finley.
i was touched ...oh a few more in that rare list who understand my strange viewso i picked it up but i could only take one book and was not willing to take the book home instead of my novel for a fortnight(non fiction is risk and titles may betray).
so i sat down happily and in 30 mins flat browsed the book over and felt very happy that someone sees through this muck and im not that weird.but whats the best part is and i agree here is that its become a necessary evil in todays worldand they do speak some stark truths.they identify the problems correctly the solutions though as ever are arguable.
They begin it wonderfully saying teamwork as in sports given as example in most inspiring booksis useless in realtime corporate world.the part where as caufield(narrator in the book catcher in the rye) wud say it killed me was this----They tell you how useless Trust falls(To fall backwards from an elevated location blindfolded, and be caught by your team) are in building a team in real time work scenarios.
It is another of those antics used by those great inspirational thinkers---- and i went flashback immediatelyto when i joined this job --- firstly we at india implement such stuff without thinking about cultural and social differences.
It so happened that our new joinees were asked to participate in this.Most girls refused to it and the hep manager(actually he was one of the few good and sensible one in the org but i guess he was as good as the management principles and insensitive to the social perspective) said come on the last time we did it all girls too did it.still many just were mum but one girl sportingly went forward and yeah the game was over in a minute.god knows what changed in making her more trusting in a team but what we all could see and hear was this.quite some team guys who were there were joking on the lines of ---- yes we sure know your weight and....and so on.this is why i hate such gimmicks.
The other thing said was about the bane of this inter and intra team competitions.I remember since the time of my previous job i hated the concept and argued at lengths with my friendabout how useless and terrible this was.with their examples i simply felt vindicated.this is what is said in the book."there is no such thing as friendly competition.especially on teams.They are fantastic for personal breakthroughs with ones own demons and attitude improvement but not for team work".i mean my previous manager ( as i said earlier in a post he deserves a blog for his atrocious stupidity) used to say come on compete against each other to do was sickening to hear the way he said it and the he called us to be a great team.
The raw truths explained are
"the truth is teams are inherently inferior to individuals in terms of efficiency esp if a single person has sufficient info for that task".
"teams are trouble because there are more people and people are trouble".
There was some more good identification of problems (already this post is long )All in all being a team member whos on the suffering end of all team...our team propaganda(damn i cant even gift my manager this 'll be a straight proof of my being not a cooperative team member.) id say it will help anyone (most managers put so much effort to understand technical and thoeretical nonsense but never try to understand people) who firstly accepts that team work is evil but necessary rather than say
Team work is great and blah blah blah .
Friday, August 19, 2005
The darkness of the night always holds a charm somewhat a lil more appealing
than may be day for me Ive always liked the calm of the night a bit more.
thats why i guess i love that song raat hamari to....from parineeta
but i wrote this poem sometime back getting irritated by light and today i
remembered it again due to the same reason so i thought of posting it.
Blinding light- Blinking and blazing
that could only be a madman's delight.
but are we short of such lunatics
in a world deprived of their heart's sight
where the lovely dark night is maimed at heart and soul
by a day that never ends.
razed of its beauty by every bright light
she cries out only to be sounded out
by the ones causing this plight
its scarier than any darkness
this light still we take it in our stride
lest we remember that there used to be
soulfilling moonlight in the arms of what
used to be the dark beautiful night.
weve got these airconditioned offices and are working
under the lights day or night
and i get irritated by them and its frustrating being unable to switch them off.
but even in general its so hard to see darkness
(forget the unsafe dark areas created by our city and town corporations).
if you are lucky enough to have a terrace which i had till few months ago
then also you will have the street lights blinding you.
(cant help it....they r absent where needed)
there is so much artificial lighting that its frustrating.
you just cant enjoy the soft dark night.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"
said a someone.
that i think is certain but i always wonder about the kind of music
preferences we have and the way we listen to it and react to it.
I have no knowledge of classical music and am mostly into ghazals ,hindi film music of all times
(where im a real Connoisseur) and the general english pop(where im not really very well versed).
Since in school i loved old hindi songs and hummed them and the first memory i have is that when my dad caught me
in fifth class humming "babuji dheere chalna....." and i was so glum.
Chitahaar was the regular discussed topic in school bus and really when the power was gone for chitrahaar it was upsetting enough to cry but those were days before cable we laugh real time about it.
ive always loved radio and vividh bharathi esp simply because it gives you range of music across time unlike the repeat broadcast on other places.
Then there was mtv and it was good to listen to english songs too ......funny what mtv india has become now
we indians sure know how to indianise if we want to.
MTV 5 yrs ago played english songs with a smattering of hindi
now we have the same hindi trailers going on and on with cyrus the only respite.
but now with time constraints and a busy life the way we listen to music has changed its always in the background .
people listen while working ,driving ,cooking etc but
does some one with a normal job still get the time to sit and play some music and absorb it ,feel it i wonder.
The other thing i always feel is when im emotional i prefer the hindi music....
the english songs however good seem a bit when im out anywhere or at office i prefer the english music
but at home i always love lata rafi kishore and jagjit singh voice is a great stress releiver since
college days(i had to buy a second piece of my arth/saath saath cassette i listened to it so much those days ).
one point i notice is generally music in our own language be it hindi or our mother tongue(if your are comfortable in it which unfortunately is not true for many people today) is more touching.
May its got to do with the lyrical melody.i always feel i have a penchant for that---- lyrics woven in melodyrather than just the beat and rhythm.
the most strange thing for me is classical music is said to be relaxing but whenever i listen to any instrumental i feel restless its kind of an unexplainable feeling for me------ as though i want to weave words into it.
it does not suit me but you give a song based on classical raag and i adore it.
its not as if i do not like loud songs in fact to my own surprise i do(the worst part used to be that
govinda's songs i hate are way too catchy) --- but its always in crowds,or when i do not like to think ,
or im too happy or want to block out things from mind - i play all those loud songs with beats ,rhythm and what not.
but what about those who listen to them my sis has a commom refrain whenever
i play music there not enough tragedy in life why play those sad songs and so she wants the
remixes, pop and fast tracks.
The other thing is there are some people who like listening to music on headphones and there
are some who like it playing around them not on a headphone.we sisters loved it when they played it nonstop
at the puja pandals where we stayed during our childhood.we still like it when some lovely melody drifts
from the window suiting our mood rather than specifically we searching and playing that song.
I do hate the stupid songs that keep barging from the neighbours house as much.
its so much nice when you are thinking of something or walking along and ur fav number is heard
and u feel something like a good omen and days when you wake up with a certain song on your lips and thewhole day you never quite get rid of it.then somehow i have my moments when i like silence not even music but quite some people like it nonstop.
but all said and done music never ceases to amaze me. suddenly i listen to a song and
the whole mood changes(the only instantaneous solution found
coz to read my other antidote takes time and effort)
when i am worried worried and feel crazy and suddenly i listen to
"rahi manwa dukh ki chinta kyun satati hai
dukh to apna saathi hai
sukh hai ek saheli jo aati hai jaati hai " its like im releived.
I really feel bad about people who do not care for
music of any kind ---- i mean any kind pop rap classical(its true i know some)
and i feel pity that they have been denied by heaven such a sublime gift.
with potter still in my mind i quote
Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
I am not much into all these days that are marketed these days but then
I am not against them also because well its nice once in a while to
indulge ourselves and others whom we are fond of
by a special line mailed/emailed ,or a gift sent or just a wish.
We may love them always but its nice to take time on a day just to
let them know how special they are.
I myself have few people i can call good friends and fewer are ones i call close friends.
"Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances
will know you in a thousand years." -----Richard Bach
and there are times when you take time out to call them or mail them
but life is so boring i just wonder why am i bothering them.
So on a day like this its just an excuse
to wish happiness , remember good times
thats why i do not mind
frienship day or for that matter any other day.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave
footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
Happy Friendship Day
Saturday, August 06, 2005
yeah finished off sixth book- harry potter and the half blood prince as usual in one go. i resisted it way too much till this week but the moment i knew i had time to read it through at a time i did it. and it truly was good as expected after azkaban.I will not review it ...there's too much all over the net about it. but honestly its the charm of the way the book is written..........els whatever marketing you do u wud not find discussion board's and forums discussing the book.i really am wondering wondering....agitated ...damn it how long ...and one of my fav character killed....i expected it but still it was tragic u have to wait for the next book ...... its too much(i could not wait to finish my nancy drew since it was issued in the school library --- had to finish it in less than 5 hrs-----i hate waiting but i most of the time i wait for buses...for jobs...for people) but now my mind is filled with all kinda wizardology and whos the culprit thoughts Snape really is he truly the killer if the killing took place really....It seems too simple. It cant be......then i reread passages ...for hints. I was like this when Voldemort had renewed himself to some form at the end of book4. Horcruxes and snape is all i can think and therein lies the magic. For once i am not remembering that its been a terrible week with sunday work.... early starts to office and feeling sooo sleepy. Its been a strangely tiring week but the book really made me feel (sad and excited) else the daily routine of life was getting to me. There's magic anyday in books for me but this saga of magic by rowling is truly magical.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
just when i relaxed after being upset the whole day that i can have at least a day rest this happened.
I woke up early morning with just one thought in mind ...if only i can avoid working saturday and sunday ...o god i don't want to....
after resigning myself to it anyway for client...customer ...whatever satisfaction...
damn it ...its our project says my manager....hey the infrastructure ....should also be in place and.....because of resource crunch ...we have to pull in.....
...hey gimme a break.Once in 6 months you use it sounds good ...once a week is pathetic.
and then the end of the day magically we hear of a maintenance so no work at least on saturday im told.The manager has a long we'r told...the way its delivered is this.....
"I have good news and bad news
Good news is many of u were not willing to come on saturday?
well you may not come.
The bad news is our project..its gonna be affected" all this with a sad morose expression.
...yeah...blah ...blah
why was i sitting like mad at office while i had work ...because they could not get the required s/w resources.So when they beg/borrow it off on weekends i have to work on weekends.
There was other cold war drama too but thats in a different post.
So i came home at least a bit relaxed by 8.30.
had tea and was just resting ...i heard my sister's coming into the gate crying so much that i got dead scared....two guys on scooter had pushed her and pulled her bag
and fled.It had her Nokia a expensive piece she got from her first job savings.This in a town known as pretty safe(its an obscure word i guess in real life).
It was terrible...i was feeling so better after i heard that she was fine whatever's lost.Its hard to describe.Then we got on to the business of consolidating....
called up the bank to disable the atm card....damn these private banks..
...felt disgusted..they charge you so much..automate all stuff and then you have to listen to all stupid music when you are so upset for an hour just to get it disabled.
How cruel it seems.
well not much i realised when i called up Hutch to disable
my connection.It was so horrible....the damn guy is rattling off my dues(the dues are
less than the deposit i have with them)when i tell him i want it disabled immediately
the guy simply insisted it cannot be done till i pay the money...he means this at 9.30 in the night.
Having had experience in this service business well enough i did what i knew was best...disconnected the call
called up again waited till i got a better fella
told him he...first he said it will take a day ..then by night...the finally when you say this connection will never be renewed in such a case ...outgoing will be barred
within 25 mins he says..
all the while they play in the background ...raindrops keep falling....really how cruel and those recorded lines "we welcome your call/thank you for waiting...its sickening the recorded voices.
Its less to do with those executives there... more to do with the falsities propagated in the name of customer corporations.
We did inform the police as one of our uncles wanted us to...but this is what the SI said to my tearful sister "So what if you are into Software...I am an SI but i keep a cell of 2000 ..why do you need a 14k cell" .Of course my uncle explained they joke like that ...dont take it to heart...but well thats about the whole story.
Its lost ...she's quite sad .... poor thing lost all her friends nos too as she was too lazy to keep em anywhere else and few she had in a tel book that too was in the purse.
It was a bad day in the end...i had my own struggles...lost my lens in the eye(how bad can it get)...i thought i had dropped it...but it was kind of hurting so i doubted...was thinking of getting back home from office at noon...but mom had left and no keys so stayed at office and after splashing water like mad at the eye i found the lens.
It was too eventful in other ways and quite bad --later on that.
But every one has their own way of looking at things.....after being sad for 2 hrs about the cell ...she says...i had my four expensive lipsticks in it(Im not as much into cosmetics and she loves em but the way she said it i was like ahhhhhh).
and i did not know what to say.
im wondering all kind of things about
this job..the money...the personal feeling when such things happen and all kind of whys.......
I myself have still not gotten over losing my cell..the oldest cheap nokia(i lost it when someone happily took it from my purse in a crowded shopping fair) and now this.
Its so easy to steal really...some do it because no work...some because they think who'll work and root causes of this.....Unemployment..population actually..this that....
and we go on living ....kabhi khushi..bahut gham.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
well was feeling queasy so had taken a day off monday and now i know why it was fine
simple....i'll have be working the it confirmed today.....thats enough to upset me.
anyway i left an half an hour early .......yet there were long faces esp my manager's.....i'd finished the work dammit....why should i just hang out on msgr...keep smiling...or listen to music(i'll do it better at home) and suffer them i know not.
anyway i had to pay bills etc did that and to better my mood went to the shopping mall nearby... was being renovated ...... lot changed since i used to meet up with friends there.....suddenly remembered them all......the place we used to sit around ...they 've stacked up decorative candles now.hmmmm well........
navigated across blogs...some of ppl who commented on mine...from there to their friends blogs and i ended up at the steve jobs speech at stanford site.
liked it quite a lot.....i fwd it just some ppl in office.....just a part of it....and (while i get along with all ---- only two people i like in some specific way though they are not in my team so have to struggle to meet but we chat on the office IM) replied back --- asking why do u not send the full text it was so good. it felt good that u know ur friends ...... and they like what you like.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
That long Silence……
I read this book I guess a month or so back and I found so much of it echoing my thoughts….thoughts which I thought were really off track with the ways of this world.
Some examples are when the heroine (narrator) is thinking of her maid jeeja
‘all those happy women with husbands in good jobs ……. were of no use to me…It was jeeja and her like…..women who saved me from the hell of drudgery. any little freedom I had depended on them’.
It looks like a strange statement but how much we today depend on our maids even with the modern machines(they are no match work done by hand).If they were not there would housewives… forget working women(they wudnt have a chance)ever have leisure for their wonderful weepies by ekta kapoor or gossip or shopping or any fun or quality time as its said.
When we had moved house some months back and among the many reasons against I gave one saying we would never find such a flexible and good maid as we have here---- my mom had said we cannot build life around maids……well here we are in our new house day in and night out mom suffers due to our reckless new maid.we have to come and go adjusting to her timings…I can only smirk but the it does not register with her anyway.
The other line is a more poignant one…
“baby girls are done to death ….swift ending of agony….than prolonging for years”
I always (since I heard of female infanticide) thought of this but I guessed I if I said it people would simply not understand so I think I never argued much on the subject with anyone and its so locked up kind of thing ..Neither here nor there.
My thought is this …government with its laws and all can prevent these babies done to death but can they ever make someone callous enough to do this love them.
I do not think so….….rather than living a whole life of rejection ,pain not understanding why…what’s wrong with ending it at the start as a few cells. We are willing to raise a hue and cry for a biological case but what about someone who feels, who lives for years in hurt….even if they go on to succeed in the world somehow which is more of one in a thousand case can they ever outgrow a childhood steeped in rejection and pain.
I do not think the law is unfair its fine but its just that--- a law-- and life is all so different.
There is so much more in the book that captures you throughout like
“I want solitude now not when I am old and frightened of being alone”
“Poor Gandhi he thought he could change human nature but people do not change”—this one’s amusing since there was a recent movie. I don’t remember the name --- where there was a joke about Gandhi in the same vein. How Gandhi preached against money but ended up being stamped on money and I and my sis simply thought it the absolute cynical truth.
It’s a book that’s so very raw about some truths ….which some people do not even confess to themselves as they play out the great Indian happy family. Such books you cant say you loved it…they simply haunt you …as truth haunts….The other book I read of hers ‘The dark holds no terror’ is also amazing in its portrayal of exorcising past ghosts.
Lie lies in the mind
While reading some books we often feel the author has put our thoughts into word and sometimes a confusing thought is clarified or u feel so much empathy on reading them.
I could remind her of her words and what I would get …words like it was meant differently…or I did not say that blunt answer…an argument….souring of our relationship… I just listened to her but this was a perfect example of my observation. Convenience of forgetting our own words.
This is the reason I never go by first impressions…they are correct quite a lot for me but I still prefer to keep them to myself and give time before getting the whole idea stamped in my mind.
Ive read quite some fiction in Indian English but the best about middle class India ive read is by Shashi deshpande.She explores the Indian esp Middle class pschye beautifully without harsh judgements and I came across examples in her book ‘That Long Silence’that supported my thought.The book is amazingly down to earth and is so easy to relate to.
‘Ai believes in her lies’
She talks about the heroine’s mother who talks on and on about her dead uncle a school dropout who died successful and rich(the mother’s brother)…how wonderful and clever he was .how she helped him succeed though parents were against his movie career though the heroine remembers perfectly that as a child she had heard her mother hating her brother ,said he brought shame upon the family by his ways and so on.
The author explains how the old mother simply convinces herself she loved her brother all these years and he succeeded due to her support and keeps narrating to all and sundry. People who know otherwise keep shut because there no point arguing with someone who’s erased the truth from memory.
She relates other things so beautifully like when her mother tells her daughter fussing about her daughter who fusses about eating—“In my days my children ate whatever I gave them—u just fuss and spoil them”—a very contradictory thing as the daughter remembers finely her childhood when she used to be troubled about what to cook for them always and made that clear and loud.
There are other things too (I’ll write another post only on the book) which shows the Indian nature of glossing over all success forgetting conveniently the pre success story and thoughts .
I also laughed wondering the same thought when I saw on TV some old uncle singing praises of the Indian idol abhijeet sawant saying these guys hang out near the apartment and sang songs and he knew he was very good.
Really I doubt…mostly when guys hang out as an adda at aptmts and sing and make noise and play cricket most uncles in the area simply see them as a nuisance. hardly do they think then they will be famous one day for sure as he says. But that’s how people are.
If a person who was no good say at studies and succeeds….u c I always believed he would .he’s always been damn clever…so what if he’s no good at studies.