Saturday, September 03, 2005

Cribbing about all upsetting nonsense

It has been a very tiring week emotionally and physically what with so much work and weekend work.

Strange questions...strange doubts ...doubts about ur own usefulness all kind of thoughts arose in the mind.What if you are not ambitious, are you useless then.

this post might seem a bit disjointed but thats how things have been.

lets see this situation

u r pretty friendly with v.v is someone whos a rookie but a brilliant one and has good knowledge of the work we all are going to be doing.( two reasons she can afford to learn this are she stays at a hostel which is closer and also ppl living in hostel have no hurry to go home mostly unlike us who have to suffer long tiring travel.)

now since the area of work is not ur area of expertise we r very dependent on v but this does not mean the work alloted to v is decreased .so v has to handle her work plus help some of late into the end of day u are getting late and uve explained the issue and the rest can be taken care of in your absence so u think n wanna leave.this leaves v hurt and angry bcoz she has still so much work left while we r leaving .

now i can hate her for being so cranky and angry --- after all what do i acheive by being there though she s been helpful but i do not because i know how harrowing the days been for her.

but i at the end of this feel upset why i have to suffer such cranky stuff, im no good...... ......yeah if i d stayed late really late coz thats the only way and learned all id ve been spared a bit if not completely (bcoz in the end its all a process followed thats needed not some knowledge) .

I could not think ill of her coz she’s a gud helping friend ,if not close or dear one but i could not just take it any more.

Hugely upset by all this and then there was more.

few new ppl in the team and one’s been put beside me to be guys dont like to be guided much by women esp peers, do it this way or use this report or follow this step, they sure do not like it.

I myself am not the most fun person and i hate a lot of the work that we do.

its damn routine in fact so horribly repetitive at some point that u need the day off to get sanity.In such a situation in comes this new guy who is just a week old has not done much here and cribs on and on about --- this is too much nonsense--- what kinda work is this--(i really wanna scream at him 2 weeks u r this then what r we to do since 6 months....its ur fault if u had rose colored glasses on--- not mine but this is it and with time its only gonna get worse) but i try to be polite but i suspect with my transparent tone it sure shows how irritated i was.

my manager sure knows how to put it onto others damn.

but neverthless so its rumors flying i think that i am not being very helpful whatever i do.................yeah for all i know he’s being a bad influence for me.

ive been lucky in quite some ways that though i myself crib complain ive had some very enthusiastic,funloving and willing to do kinda colleagues in my past job who really tended to make me feel so better.i still pester some of em by calling em up n cribbing and they still suffer me.

this job too some of us hate the stuff we do but its a job and we do it trying to be positive but when some one adds to your frustration and esp as if he’s doing us a favor its like there is a chain reaction of negativity which does no one any good.

i sensed there was a lot of background story too on this coz they changed the guys place ..............but damn them im still responsible for this person who probably hoped working for this known company meant happily coming in signing and listening to music ,chatting,using some great s/w tools and a happy balance in the bank.

poor thing he doesnt know what he’s into any way.

there was so much other nonsense but fed up of typing i’m .

whole week was like an automated story.

get up-> go to office -.come sleep->get up->office..........

after 4 days of being this upset got some good sleep a bit relaxed spoke to friend and cribbed(and now here doing the same on this blog) and cribbed...poor fella he’s patient enough and then when i’m given a solution that speak to ur manager and communicate i argued no u do not understand .... no no...this that.

finally at the weekend i feel so better n thats me.

me and v just got along having fun waiting till the next task doth set us apart.

it rained superb ...... spoiling my plan to shop but neverthless liked it.

1 comment:

vaasu said...

yeah..can understand the daily routine of a job..but believe me there are few professions where you are very eager to get to work early...and very upset seeing the day is over...:)