Friday, November 14, 2008

A Serious Joke

Ok I have a cruel streak and here's a example.But then the world has
too much of a stage loving posers for my comfort zone.
There's my sole teammate at work w.r.t being a peer - he's a tad short
.The chap used to be a bit too effusive with self gloating humor
and all and so I too never bothered much about restricting my sarcasm.
Now I've shut up but I guess its a bit too late and the way it pans
out is worthy of note.
Months ago as we returned from lunch , he with a spring in his step
was jumping around hitting some signs hitting across the office
I remarked in my blunt manner smilingly that had you done this when
you were young it would have been better.
He immediately said you should not say such and i realized ok ok one
does get touchy I said Sorry .
Today nearly 3 to 4 months later as we were going for lunch he
instinctively jumped to hit the sign post and and then checked himself
with a clenched fist. I noticed that and later during some remark of
his I remarked that you act as if you dont care about things but this
is how at heart you take things.

And now in front of my boss the joke continues.
He:You know what would happen if I tell to the HR what you said says he.

Me: Oh go ahead tell it to HR.After all i just spoke about the
benefits of such jumps when young :) rather than now.
He: No No This is a hurt to short people and discrimination.
Me: Ok enjoy yourself go and complain
He: yeah then I will become famous about a reverse case of discrimination.
Me: May be but then you dont know how many well wishers I will have
who would say what a brave girl - just said what's on her mind while
we could not say it .
He: Ha ha nopes nothing like that will happen
My Boss; Smilingy indulging us while making mental notes - yeah by the
end of it all the organization will have to hang all signs too low so

that no person feels short when trying to hit them.

Now all this was done with smiling faces . This exactly is why A joke
is always a serious thing.
Life's a vicious circle we all somehow fall in and it nurtures itself on and on.

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