Friday, October 12, 2007

A bit of nostalgia

Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.
  ~Doug Larson

Last fortnight i can recall two things which made me very nostalgic.
One was a movie which was a glossed out fairytale of a college life i have never seen anyone living (forget being part of it myself ).
Its not that i don't enjoy romanticized stuff in movies but when i see too many people talking of that in real terms of those good old days i feel absurd.
Very few people(and yeah a few have it partly do i agree) have had the real fun and hep college life displayed in most movies but everyone talks as if they did cause we like to think the past was better.....we forget that the troubles we faced then , and which we laugh at now actually felt monstrous in those days.

The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealized past.  ~Robertson Davies, A Voice from the Attic

Yes its so very easy to idealize and gloss over past and if i let myself get carried away by such versions  in my imagination i can see how easy it is.
Luckily my cynicism keeps me safe from such these days.

Other very unexpected nostalgia was a chat (it might have been a one sided recollection by me actually once the topic was triggered ...the topic of days when i was a huge cricket fan...
not that i am not now ,
but its not the same...
no one but i know the difference.)

about some very old ,simple but immensely passionate joys.....
joys i rarely speak of in the present,
 for i fear they might be soiled by the present....
It isn't those events it is what we were then to
 derive such happiness  from such .

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