The most impassioned of all trees,
The home of three intensities;
Gnarled trunk, dark concentrated leaf,
And flowers that burn in love and grief.
These are part of those haunting lines by Vikram Seth and
i really dig them too much and they kind of get imprinted on the mind.
This was a small draft i saved somewhere and i just though i better get over with it.
Last year when i had to walk 10 mins home everyday across some lovely houses with gardens- there used to be these trees with the sweetest orange flowers....and most of us know its the Anarkali.(Sad if we can only remember Salim now).

I have been so off mood that i looked back on my own blog
and then thought ....
why once upon a time i was so better at cribbing ....
now its such a boring rant....
Almost all in life seems so hopeless....
dont know whats the fuss is all about ...
its not just me...most people just go on living ....and on.
But then i realise we create our own hypes...
our own passions which keeps us going....
the movies and movie stars/cricket and cricketers /Harry Potter/TV shows/Stock
markets /chat forums/hours of gossip/ambitions and even blogging for some.
But honestly what i still like when i look back and reread are my favorite poems
and my thoughts on reading books.
Actually thats what it seems is missing....its been so long that i read a pure
fiction story apart from Harry Potter.(Well i better not start on it again...).
I need that escape books else this is how i become .
Bad memory has its pleasures.
I was looking up some old selected quotes and found this quote
"People who are not in love fail to understand how an intelligent man can suffer because of a very ordinary woman. This is like being surprised that anyone should be stricken with cholera because of a creature so insignificant as the comma bacillus."
Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past, vol. 2, "Swann's Way: Swann in Love"
Some people have an awesome way with words....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Comma bacillus ...ROFL...........
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