Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Light Of the Day

Last month i happened to read The Sea by Banville .Is that book a tough read? Oh god yes!!!. Firstly he uses off the world language then he uses long sentences with them and you find it actually tiring. I wont say i dislike the book. Parts of it had very beautifully expressed dilemmas and thoughts but in the end i still say its a very tough read and not to my taste or rather i am not upto its standard yet. It needs some higher powers to get across what’s being said i thought and yeah it drags.

I almost would have felt that these arty booker prize books were a bit too much for my simple feel it kind of reading if only i had not earlier read "The Light Of the Day" by Graham Swift.Its a book of some sublime beauty. I read it nearly a year ago but could not write about it.Anyways This is a book i find hard to write about. Its simply because its so touchingly expressed, and there are not many quotations kind of stuff or any wonderful thrilling happenings or the huge battles of emotions.

The first time one reads it it has that mystery to it so you never really catch the much subtle parts of it too much. But its a beautiful read. Very Simple and yet so very moving.I like it style of writing and also the way he uses repeat sequences of lines in a rhyming way.


"She Bloomed"..................................."

But then She had bloomed".

When you start off reading fiction and you read famous authors in college Sheldon , Archer and all those and the way they write about women, you simply look at it as a story.Its rarely the same when men write about women and women write about women. Some thoughts make you look at it...really do people observe so much.

Like he observes

"Someone Someday should write about handbags, shoulder bags. May be they have. About how women cling to them, as if they're their closest friend when all else fails. The things that you find inside them (I’ve lost count of how many I’ve rifled through")

The book is a treat to read. It is written in back and forth format and u move seamlessly through them. Though as I said ,for the first time curiosity really can be a spoiler. Rarely do you have any suspense in books of this kind (based more on individual psychologies and how each persons behavior gets shaped inexplicably at times)but this one has just that little bit of criminal suspense in a way that really charms you.
One can read an excerpt here

"Something happens. We cross a line, we open a door we never knew was there. It might never have happened, we might never have known. Most of life, maybe, is only time served. "

" A Rebound: you were robbed and now you take. And are the young so easily damaged anyway,'re young only once and there is a kind of savagery in it." " The truth is we meet we part we go our way. There aren’t any laws, there aren’t any rules. We ' re not here to follow each other, to guard each others lives"

One of the finest writings i've read and i also read "Ever After" and have sort of taken to his style, though i am yet to read his famous book "The Last Orders"

Some nice reviews here.
Reviews themselves have their own charm i feel. You love sometimes to see some one love what you love or hate what you hate and best is when you suddenly see something when you read a review, something so very obvious but you just did not have that perspective.

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